家修学院 > 家电维修 > 德国洗衣机脱水桶拆解方法
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啄木鸟家庭维修 2024-03-11 阅读量:8552



如果你需要拆开德国洗衣机的脱水桶,那么需要注意其中需要修理或更换的部分。 在拆解德国洗衣机的脱水桶时,需要注意以下几点:

1. Safety first! Always disconnect any electric or gas supply before attempting to do anything.

2. Open the access panel on the back of the washing machine.

3. Detach the drive belt from the motor and lift it off the transmission pulley.

4. Remove the water pump from the motor by depressing the locking tab and twisting the pump clockwise.

5. Remove the motor by first loosening the bolts that hold it to the chassis and then tilting it forward and out.

6. Unscrew the bolts that secure the transmission to the chassis.

7. The transmission will now be free to slide down and off the motor shaft. Be careful, as it is quite heavy.

8. The basket will be held in the outer tub by a large bolt or a retainer ring. Remove this and lift the basket out.

9. Now the inner tub will be exposed. It can be lifted out by pulling up on it as you rotate it.

10. Finally, the spider shaft that holds the inner tub in place will be visible. If this is damaged or corroded, it will need to be replaced.

By following these steps carefully, you should be able to disassemble your German washing machine’s spin drum and repair or replace any necessary parts. Remember to always exercise caution when working around electrical or gas connections, and if you are not comfortable undertaking this repair on your own, seek the help of a qualified professional.

上一篇: 电脑洗衣机不通电怎么办 下一篇: 地漏就在洗衣机地下怎么办




拆解万喜燃气灶可能会涉及到一些安全风险,因此建议你在进行任何拆解操作之前,先关闭燃气阀门,并确保你具备相关的维修技能和知识。如果你不确定如何进行拆解,最好请专业的维修人员来帮助你。 如果你仍然决定自行拆解万喜燃气灶,以下是一些一般的拆解步骤: 1. 关闭燃气阀门:确保燃气供应已经关闭,以避免燃气泄漏的危险。 2. 拆卸炉架和火盖:将炉架和火盖从炉灶上取下。 3. 拆卸控制面板:如果有控制面板,通常

